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Commonly named Oxygen but actually Dioxygen, essential gas for living organisms.
Main Info
ID o2
Subcategory Raw materials
Category Resources
Type Items

Oxygen Oxygen becomes available upon reaching Level 4.

Oxygen can be extracted from the atomsphere in a Atmospheric Extractor Atmospheric Extractor.

1 Atmospheric Extractor can produce 12 Carbons and 12 Oxygens per year.

Cities start consuming Oxygen once their population reaches 10.

How to make it

Atmospheric Extractor Atmospheric Extractor
Ingredients Products Duration in days Nb per year
- Carbon Carbon + Oxygen Oxygen 25 12

What to make from it

Assembly Plant Assembly Plant
Ingredients Products Duration in days Nb per year
Sulfur Sulfur + Oxygen Oxygen Dynamite Dynamite 25 12
Supply Center Supply Center
Ingredients Products Duration in days Nb per year Population
Concrete Concrete + Oxygen Oxygen - 6.7 → 33.1 45 → 9.1 10 → 99
Reinforced Concrete Reinforced Concrete + Oxygen Oxygen - 15 → 74.9 20 → 4 100 → 999
Reinforced Concrete Reinforced Concrete + Oxygen Oxygen + High-tech Parts High-tech Parts - 37.5 → 187.5 8 → 1.6 1000 → 9999
Reinforced Concrete Reinforced Concrete + Oxygen Oxygen + High-tech Parts High-tech Parts + Food Food - 100 → 500 3 → 0.6 10000 → 99999
Composite Composite + Oxygen Oxygen + High-tech Parts High-tech Parts + Food Food - 200 → - 1.5 → - 100000 → ∞

[[Category: Resources]] [[Category: Raw materials]]