Depot MK2

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Depot MK2
Depot MK2
Store containers, collect them from production buildings, and distribute them to consumer buildings (2-hex range).
Main Info
ID depotMK2
Subcategory Industry
Category Constructible items
Type Items

A Depot is a building that stores and distributes resources between nearby producer and consumer buildings within their range using their attached drones. Depots are the only way to move resources to or from a building or vehicle.

This is the second of three levels of Depot, available from Level 5 "Reach a total population of 350".

Requires 1x Aluminum Bar Aluminum Bar and 1x Polymer Bar Polymer Bar, and takes 25 days to produce.
Has 2 drones and a range of 2 tiles.

How to make it

Assembly Plant Assembly Plant
Ingredients Products Duration in days Nb per year
Aluminum Bar Aluminum Bar + Polymer Bar Polymer Bar Depot MK2 Depot MK2 25 12

Depot chaining

When 2 or more Depots of the same resource type are within range of each other, they will attempt to split their resources evenly. This can be used to create large storage areas, or to load/unload resources from a nearby building or vehicle more quickly. They can also be chained together in a line or other shape to create a rough "conveyor belt" between points, or expand their combined effective range.

[[Category: Constructible items]] [[Category: Industry]]