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Extremely potent greenhouse gas.
Main Info
ID sf6
Subcategory Greenhouse Gas
Category Resources
Type Items

SF6 SF6 becomes available upon reaching Level 6.

SF6 can be produced in a Greenhouse Gas Generator Greenhouse Gas Generator by consuming Sulfur Sulfur and Fluorite Fluorite. Currently there is no in-game container form for SF6. Once SF6 is produced, it will be released directly into the atomsphere.

1 Sulfur and 1 Fluorite can be converted into 1 SF6.

1 Greenhouse Gas Generator can release 30 SF6 into the atomsphere per year by consuming 30 Sulfurs and 30 Fluorites per year.

SF6 is used to increase the temperature of the planet.

How to make it

Greenhouse Gas Generator Greenhouse Gas Generator
Ingredients Products Duration in days Nb per year
Sulfur Sulfur + Fluorite Fluorite SF6 SF6 10 30


  • SF6 is the abbreviation for sulfur hexafluoride, an inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, and non-toxic gas. Sulfur hexafluoride is 23,500 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas, but exists in relatively minor concentrations in Earth's atmosphere.

[[Category: Resources]] [[Category: Greenhouse Gas]]